Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Props to 47

Inspired by Chris Cooley's gem of a blog, I decided to be proactive and create one of my own. Because I am not nearly the celebrity he is, I do not expect such a loyal following and endless comments. In fact, I don't expect you to even have made it this far. If you are still reading, go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back. I'll wait. ... I sincerely doubt any of you actually patted yourselves on the back. Thirty seconds of my life waiting gone up in flames.

So why am I doing this? Multiple reasons. Firstly, I need something to occupy myself in my down time. I'm not a machine, I can't be expected to be doing something athletic or in some other way mobile all the time. All you other kids are on Facebook, which was formerly my chief time-waster. This is a little different. Secondith, I also am required to blog for my English class, so maybe if one of these posts spurs something a little thought-provoking I'll kill two birds with one e-stone. Thirdsies, I need to hone my writing skills, which reached an apex in fifth grade and have steadily plummeted in the eight years following. I may not be an English major, but I don't want to go my whole adult life talking like Emmitt Smith (The Pats defense don't very good??? What???), especially because my ability to make a living running with a football is somewhat limited.

This blog's intent is to not to capture my every move (yet), but instead, is to be thought-provoking, joy-filled, sarcastic, enlightening, quote-dropping, bitter, and entertaining. Don't flatter yourselves though, it is meant to first and foremost to entertain myself. When I'm sitting in Chem class on Mondays and Wednesdays I need something to do, and the more posts I have, the more of my own material I have to reread to pass the time. Chess Titans has reached its peak level of appeal (until I start winning), so I gotta have something to do. So expect me to update fairly often. Now, if you're still reading at this point, I'm VERY impressed. Five points to Gryffindor!

Blog explained. Rays win 5-4. Successful day? Correct.

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